

Alkisah seorang raja yg kaya raya & sangat baik. Ia mempunyai banyak sekali emas & kuningan. Karena terlalu banyak sehingga antara emas & kuningan tercampur menjadi satu.

Suatu hari raja yg baik hati ini memberikan hadiah emas kepada seluruh rakyatnya. Dia membuka gudangnya lalu mempersilahkan rakyatnya mengambil kepingan emas terserah mereka. Karena antara emas & kuningan tercampur menjadi satu sehingga sulit sekali dibedakan mana yg emas & mana yg kuningan, lalu mana yg emasnya 24 karat & mana yg emasnya hanya 1 karat.

Namun karena ada peraturan dari Sang Raja, yaitu bila mereka sudah MEMILIH & MENGAMBIL SATU dari emas itu, mereka tidak boleh mengembalikannya lagi. Tetapi raja menjanjikan bagi mereka yg mendapat emas hanya 1 karat atau mereka yg mendapatkan kuningan, mereka dapat bekerja di kebun raja & merawat pemberian raja itu dengan baik, maka raja AKAN MENAMBAH & MEMBERIKAN KADAR KARAT itu sedikit demi sedikit.

Mendengar itu bersukacitalah rakyatnya, sambil mengelu-elukan rajanya. Mereka datang dari penjuru tempat dan satu persatu dari mereka dengan berhati-hati mengamat-amati benda-benda itu. Waktu yg diberikan kepada mereka semua ialah SATU SETENGAH HARI, dengan perhitungan SETENGAH HARI UTK MEMILIH, SETENGAH HARI UTK MERENUNGKAN & SETENGAH HARI LAGI UTK MEMUTUSKAN.

Para prajurit selalu siaga menjaga keamanan pemilihan emas tsb. Karena tidak jarang terjadi perebutan emas yg sama diantara mereka. Selama proses pemilihan berlangsung, seorang prajurit mencoba bertanya kpd salah seorang rakyatnya, 'Apa yg kau amat-amati, sehingga satu setengah hari kau habiskan waktumu di sini?'
Jawab orang itu: 'Tentu saja aku harus berhati-hati, aku harus mendapatkan emas 24 karat itu.'
Lalu tanya prajurit itu lagi: 'Seandainya emas 24 karat itu tidak pernah ada, atau hanya ada satu diantara setumpuk emas ini, apakah engkau masih saja mencarinya? Sedangkan waktumu sangat terbatas?'
Jawab orang itu lagi: 'Tentu saja tidak, aku akan mengambil emas terakhir yg ada ditanganku begitu waktuku habis.'

Lalu prajurit itu berkeliling & ia menjumpai seorang yg tampan, melihat perangainya ia adalah seorang kaya.
Bertanyalah prajurit itu kepadanya, 'Hai orang kaya apa yg kau cari di sini. Bukankah engkau sudah lebih dari cukup?'
Jawab orang kaya itu, 'Bagiku hidup adalah uang, kalau aku bisa mengambil emas ini tentu saja itu berarti menambah keuntunganku.'

Kemudian prajurit itu kembali mengawasi satu persatu dari mereka, maka tampak olehnya seseorang yg sejak satu hari ia selalu menggenggam kepingan emasnya. Lalu dihampirinya orang itu, 'Mengapa engkau diam di sini? Tidakkah engkau memilih emas-emas itu? Atau tekadmu sudah bulat untuk mengambil emas itu?'

Mendengar perkataan prajurit itu, orang ini hanya diam saja. Maka prajurit bertanya lagi,'Atau engkau yakin bahwa itulah emas 24 karat, sehingga engkau tidak lagi berusaha mencari yg lain?'
Orang itu masih terdiam, prajurit itu semakin penasaran. Lalu ia lebih mendekat lagi, 'Tidakkah engkau mendengar pertanyaanku?'

Sambil menatap prajurit, orang itu menjawab: 'Tuan,saya ini orang miskin. Saya tidak pernah tahu mana yg emas & mana yg kuningan. Tetapi HATI SAYA MEMILIH EMAS INI, saya pun tidak tahu berapa kadar emas ini. Atau jika ternyata emas ini hanya kuningan pun saya juga tidak tahu.'

'Lalu mengapa engkau tidak mencoba bertanya kepada mereka atau kepadaku kalau engkau tidak tahu.' Tanya prajurit itu lagi.
'Tuan, emas & kuningan ini milik raja. Jadi menurut saya hanya raja yg tahu mana yg emas & mana yg kuningan, mana yg 1 karat & mana yg 24 karat. Tetapi satu hal yg saya percaya, janji raja untuk mengubah kuningan menjadi emas, itu yg lebih penting.' Jawabnya lugu.

Prajurit ini semakin penasaran, 'Mengapa bisa begitu?'
'Bagi saya berapa pun kadar emas ini cukup buat saya. Karena kalau saya bekerja, saya membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk membeli emas Tuan.'
Prajurit tampak tercengang mendengar jawaban dari orang ini, lalu ia melanjutkan perkataannya, 'Lagipula Tuan, peraturannya saya tidak boleh menukar emas yg sudah saya ambil.'

'Tidakkah engkau mengambil emas-emas yg lain & menukarnya sekarang selagi masih ada waktu?' Tanya prajurit lagi.
'Saya SUDAH MENGGUNAKAN WAKTU ITU, kini waktu setengah hari terakhir saya, inilah saatnya saya mengambil keputusan. Jika saya GANTIKAN EMAS INI DENGAN YANG LAIN, BELUM TENTU SAYA MENDAPAT YG LEBIH BAIK DARI PUNYA SAYA INI. Saya memutuskan untuk mengabdi pada raja & merawat milik saya ini, untuk menjadikannya emas yg murni.'

Tak lama lagi lonceng istana berbunyi, tanda berakhir sudah kegiatan mereka. Lalu raja keluar & berdiri ditempat yg tinggi sambil berkata,'Wahai rakyatku yg kukasihi. Semua emas yg kau genggam itu adalah hadiah yg telah kuberikan. Sesuai dengan perjanjian, tidak seorang pun diperbolehkan menukar atau pun menyia-nyiakan hadiah itu. Jika didapati hal di atas maka orang itu akan MENDAPAT HUKUMAN karena ia tidak menghargai raja.'

Kata-kata raja itu disambut hangat oleh rakyatnya.. Lalu sekali lagi di hadapan rakyatnya raja ingin memberitahu tentang satu hal, 'Dan ketahuilah, bahwa sebenarnya tidak ada emas 24 karat itu. Hal ini dimaksudkan bahwa kalian semua harus mengabdi kepada kerajaan.. Dan hanya akulah yg dapat menambah jumlah karat itu, karena akulah yg memilikinya. Selama satu setengah hari, setengah hari yg kedua yaitu saat kuberikan waktu kepada kalian semua untuk merenungkan pilihan, kalian kutunggu untuk datang kepadaku menanyakan perihal emas itu.. Tetapi sayang sekali, hanya 1 orang yg datang kepadaku untuk menanyakannya.'

Demikianlah raja yg baik hati & bijaksana itu mengajar rakyatnya. Dan selama bertahun-tahun ia dengan sabar menambah karat satu persatu dari emas rakyatnya.

(Dikutip dari: 'When We Have to Choice' / Kumpulan Sharing & Cerpen)

Berharap melalui alkisah di atas kita dapat merefleksi diri dalam mencari pasangan hidup:

BAGI YANG SEDANG MENCARI PASANGAN (setengah hari untuk memilih)
MEMILIH memang boleh, tapi MANUSIA TIDAK ADA YG SEMPURNA, jangan lupa emas-emas itu milik sang raja jadi hanya dia yang tahu menahu masalah itu. Artinya setiap manusia milik Tuhan, jadi berdoalah untuk berkomunikasi denganNYA tentang pasangan anda.

BAGI YANG TELAH MEMPEROLEH PASANGAN (setengah hari untuk merenungkan)
Mungkin pertama kali Anda mengenal, si dia nampak emas 24 karat. Ternyata setelah bertahun-tahun kenal, si dia hanya berkadar 10 karat. Diluar, memang KITA DIHADAPKAN DENGAN BANYAK PILIHAN, sama dengan rakyat yang memilih emas tadi. Akan tetapi pada saat KITA SUDAH MENDAPATKANNYA BELUM TENTU WAKTU KITA MELEPASKANNYA KITA MENDAPAT YG LEBIH BAIK. Jadi jika dalam tahap ini Anda merasa telah mendapatkan dia, hal yang terbaik dilakukan ialah menilai secara objective siapa dia (karena itu KETERBUKAAN & KOMUNIKASI sangat penting dalam menjalin hubungan) dan MENYELARASKAN HATI anda bersamanya.. Begitu Anda tahu tentang HAL TERJELEK dalam dirinya sebelum Anda menikah itu lebih baik. Dengan demikian Anda tidak merasa shock setelah menikah. Tinggal BAGAIMANA ANDA MENERIMANYA. Anda mampu menerimanya atau tidak, Anda mengusahakan perubahannya atau tidak.. 'CINTA SELALU BERJUANG' Jangan anggap tidak pernah ada masalah dalam jalan cinta Anda. Justru jika dalam tahap ini Anda tidak pernah mengalami masalah dengan pasangan Anda (TIDAK PERNAH BERTENGKAR MUNGKIN) Anda malah harus berhati-hati, karena ini adalah hubungan yg tidak sehat, berarti banyak kepura-puraan yang ditampilkan dalam hubungan Anda. Yg terpenting adalah NIAT BAIK DIANTARA PASANGAN, sehingga dengan KOMITMEN & CINTA, SEGALA SESUATU SELALU ADA JALAN KELUARNYA. Meskipun dalam tahap ini Anda masih punya waktu setengah hari lagi untuk memutuskan, artinya Anda masih dapat berganti pilihan, akan tetapi PERTIMBANGKAN DENGAN BAIK hal ini.

BAGI YANG TELAH MENIKAH (setengah hari untuk memutuskan)
Dalam tahap ini, siapa pun dia berarti Anda telah mengambil keputusan untuk memilihnya. Jangan berpikir untuk mengambil keuntungan dari pasangan Anda. Jika ini terjadi berarti Anda EGOIS, sama halnya dengan orang kaya di atas. Dan dengan demikian Anda TIDAK PERNAH PUAS DENGAN DIRI PASANGAN ANDA, maka tidak heran banyak terjadi perselingkuhan. Anda tidak boleh merasa menyesal dengan pilihan Anda sendiri. Jangan kuatir raja selalu memperhatikan rakyatnya dan menambah kadar karat pada emasnya. Jadi percayalah kalau Tuhan pasti akan memperhatikan Anda dan DIA YANG PALING BERKUASA MENGUBAH SETIAP ORANG. Perceraian bukanlah solusi, sampai kapan kita harus menikah lalu bercerai, menikah lagi & bercerai lagi?? Ingatlah si dia adalah HADIAH, siapa pun dia terimalah dia karena
sekali lagi itulah pilihan Anda. Ingat ini adalah setengah hari terakhir yaitu waktu untuk memutuskan, setelah itu Anda tidak boleh menukar atau menyia-nyiakan emas Anda. Jadi peliharalah pasangan Anda sebagaimana HADIAH TERINDAH YANG TELAH TUHAN BERIKAN. Dan apa pun yang terjadi dengan pasangan Anda komunikasikanlah dengan Tuhan, KARENA DIA YANG MEMILIKI HATI SETIAP MANUSIA....


"Life is a theater. Invite your audience carefully."

I came across this and it really made me think about all the people that I have allowed into my life and what influence they have had in my life, both good and bad. It made me realize that some people just don't need to be in my life if all they're going to have is a negative impact on my life. Life is too precious and short to surround yourself with negative people! Hope it touches you like it did me....

Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in our lives that need to be loved from a distance.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize, your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships or friendships!

Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention. Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill?

When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don’t really understand, know or appreciate you?

The more you seek the love of God, quality, respect, growth, peace of mind and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the FRONT ROW and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.

You cannot change the people around you....but you can change the people you are around! It Is Better To Be Alone, Than In The Wrong Company.

Thought of the day........

1 Corinthians 15:33 - Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. "A mirror reflects a man or woman's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he or she chooses." The simple but true fact of life is that we become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad.

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

Consider this:
* Never receive counsel from unproductive people.
* Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. We are certain to get the worst of the bargain when we exchange ideas with the wrong person.

Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. We must be careful where we stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships.

Happy moments? Praise God.

Difficult moments? Seek God.

Quiet moments? Worship God.

Painful moments? Trust God.

Every moment? Thank God.

If you see people without a smile today ... Give them one of yours.

God is STILL on the throne.

Taken from "Life is a theater. Invite your audience carefully." by Sandi KML (Bettie Boop Booper)


Let It Go

There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk.

I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]

People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.

Let them go.

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead.

You've got to know when it's dead.

You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.

Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to . . . . . . . .


If you are holding on to past hurts and pains . . . . . . . . .


If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth . . . . . . . .


If someone has angered you . . . . . . . .


If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge . . . . . . . .


If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction . . . . . . . .


If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents . . . . . .


If you have a bad attitude . . . . . . . .


If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better . . . . . . . .


If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him . .


If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship . . . . . . . .


If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves . . . . .


If you're feeling depressed and stressed . . . . . . . .


If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to . . . . . . . .


Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.

GOD is doing a new thing for 2009!!!


Get Right or Get Left. Think about it, and then . . . . . . . .

LET IT GO!!! "

The Battle is the Lord's!"

Taken from "Let It Go" by T. D. Jakes Ministries


The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk

A Mouse who always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a Frog, who lived, for the most part, in the water. One day, the Frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the Frog led his friend the Mouse to the meadow where they usually searched for food.

After this, he gradually led him towards the pond in which he lived, until reaching the banks of the water, he suddenly jumped in, dragging the Mouse with him. The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed.

The unhappy Mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water, and his poor dead body floating about on the surface. A Hawk observed the foating Mouse from the sky, dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying it back to his nest.

The Frog, being still fastened to the leg of the Mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the Hawk.

Moral of the story: "Choose your allies carefully."

Taken from "The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk" by Adil

The Monk and The Baby

Once there was a monk who lived in a village. One day a young village girl became pregnant and was unmarried. She did not want to expose her boyfriend. Out of fear when her parents asked her who is responsible, she pointed her finger to that monk.

Her parents were infuriated. The next day, the whole village turned up to blame him. "How could you?" "You dirty old man!" "You are a disgrace!" "Get out of our village, you hypocrite!" Some villagers even threaten his life.

After listening to all the accusations, what he said was "Is that so?" and went back to meditate. Months went by, the young girl gave birth to a baby. The parents of the young girl were forced to find a father for the child.

The parents and the villagers went up to approach him saying "You are responsible for this baby, therefore you should bring up the baby!" Once again, he said "Is that so?" He took the young baby in his arms and went back.

By this time he has lost his reputation but it did not trouble him. He took very good care for this baby and he manages to obtain milk and everything the child needed from his neighbors.

After a year, the young girl felt ashamed and guilty and wanted to see her baby. She finally told the real story to her parents. When all the villagers came to know the truth, they all felt ashamed of having wrong him.

So all of them gathered and went to the monk asking for forgiveness. Once again, after listening to them, he said "Is that so?" He handed the baby back to the young girl.


When you are right, one thousand peoples swearing that you are wrong does not matter. But when you are wrong, ten thousand peoples swearing that you are right will not make any difference.

Taken from "The Monk and The Baby" by Adil


Twenty Great One Liners

1. Regular naps prevent old age... Especially if you take them while driving.

2. Having one child makes you a parent; having two makes you a referee.

3. Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!

4. They said we should all pay our tax with a smile. I tried- but they wanted cash.

5. A child's greatest period of growth is the month after you've purchased new school uniforms.

6. Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.

7. Don't marry the person you want to live with, marry the one you cannot live without... But whatever you do, you'll regret it later.

8. You can't buy love. . But you pay heavily for it.

9. True friends stab you in the front.

10. Forgiveness is giving up my right to hate you for hurting me.

11. Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

12. Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.

13. My wife and I always compromise. I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me.

14. Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.

15. Ladies first. Pretty ladies sooner.

16. It doesn't matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss.

17. They call our language the mother tongue because the father seldom gets to speak.

18. Saving is the best thing. Especially when your parents have done it for you.

19. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.

20. Real friends are the ones who survive transitions between address books.

Taken from "Twenty Great One Liners" by Adil


A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and ask the store owner for a phone call.

The store owner replied, "Sweety this is no a STD, but you can do one call"

The store owner observed and listened to the conversation:

The boy asked, "Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?"

The woman replied, "I already have someone to cut my lawn."

"Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now." the boy replied.

The woman responded that she was very satisfied with the person who was presently cutting her lawn.

The little boy found more perseverance and offered, "Lady, I'll even sweep your curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of North-Palm beach, Florida."

Again the woman answered in negative.

With a smile on his face, the little boy placed the receiver.

The store owner who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy and said," Son... I like your attitude. I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job."

The little boy replied, "No thanks, I was just checking my performance with the job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady, I was talking to!"

Taken from "Attitude" by Adil

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